

A couple years ago, I started making my own kombucha. I watched dozens of how-to videos, read through many websites and joined Facebook groups trying to figure out how to do it. Each tutorial offered a slightly different way to go about it. So, I took all that I  learned, blended it together and gave it a go! 

Really, it wasn't that difficult, but I had to do some tweeking and adjusting along the way to figure it all out. 

For instance, at first I was using recycled Pellegrino bottles, but soon found out the seals were not tight enough and the bottles may even be toxic. In the end, I found the flip top bottles to be best (see supplies list on How To page). 

Another lesson learned was how to get some nice fizzy carbonation going. I turned to a FB group for that one and in no time my kombucha was explosive!

Little by little, I have come up with a process that works for me.

We've recently spent the holidays sharing kombucha with friends and family and enough people have asked me to explain how I make it that I decided to create a website with instructions. 

I do not claim to know everything there is to know about kombucha and I encourage you to experiment and learn from others doing it as well. Let me know if I need to change or add any info to the lesson. I am open to suggestions. 

Please enjoy the website and feel free to join the FB group where we can talk about all this stuff <3 


Jane McNeely


© Copyright Kombucha For Life